Contact Us to Book An Emergency/ After Hours Notary Professional

                                                                             After-Hours/ Emergency Mobile Notary Fees Start at $99 beginning at 6pm

              **A Non-Refundable $35 Deposit Due at the time of Booking

                                                                             After-Hours/ Emergency Online Notary Fees Increase Starting at 9p

              **Full fee Due at the time of Booking

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Company Rules, Regulations and Policies

Admin Mobile LLC is an administrative office consisting of notary professionals who hold a specific statewide jurisdiction to act as an unbiased government officer. We nor our independent contractors serve as attorney professionals. Any information expressed by members is not intended and should not be as assumed as legal advice. 

In the State of Texas, we do NOT draft legal documents, nor  instruct signers on how to sign their names (if you have a Power of Attorney it is the clients responsibility to sign the document correctly) **There will be no refunds for rejected documents due to improper signature, we are NOT your legal counsel, we do not advise you of the information to fill out your form. If you do not know how to complete your document, please contact the document preparer or your personal attorney BEFORE booking the appointment.

Circumstances for non-refundable deposit: signer is not aware of the contents of the document, signer is under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol, signer is unable to be identified to professional standards deemed by the company, signer is not alert, document is rejected at no fault of the company

Get In Touch

Call Us Today


Work Hours

Mon- Fri-24/7
Emergency/After-Hours Appt Available
Saturday By Appointment Only



7522 Campbell Rd. Ste 113
Dallas, Tx 7548